Thursday, 9 May 2013

Wrapping up...

Hi everyone, my project has came to an end... I have really enjoyed doing my research on Lurgan Workhouse and focused my essay on an evaluation of death and disease in the workhouse during the Famine due to a neglect of the inmates.  I have discovered a lot of interesting theories along the way but my evidence has turned out to be inconclusive, nevertheless it has all been worthwhile.  I would love to find out more about the workhouse and especially the whereabouts of the paupers grave as i feel it should be recognised in some way in memory of all those who lived and died there.  I have learnt a lot this term about researching history and will definately continue my investigations, once i have recovered of course from a very intense but enjoyable second year at Newry SRC!     

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

My MP3 Film

I have finally managed to make a short MP3 film about the Lurgan Workhouse, I hope you enjoy it!

A short film about the workhouse

Hi everyone, as i have been unable to find any YouTube videos about Lurgan Workhouse i have added this short film Irish Workhouses just to give a bit of an insight into what they were like in general, its pretty depressing stuff!

Friday, 3 May 2013


Hi everyone, i have put up two pictures one of what the workhouse would have originally looked like from a birdseye view and the other is of what remains of it today.  The remains appear to be the middle section of the original picture. 

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Catching up...

Hi everyone, sorry i have not written in a while. I have been busy gathering all my info together and putting what i have found out down on paper.  I have really enjoyed doing the research on Lurgan Workhouse as it has always been something i have been interested in.  I have found out quite a lot on my journey about what it must have been like for the inhabitants of the workhouse, particualarly during the famine.  I still find it hard to believe when i look across at Lurgan Hospital that everything that i have found out actually happened there, the place is steeped in history.  I have been unable to find any youtube videos about the workhouse in Lurgan to put into my blog and as i mentioned before there is no-one still around to interview that lived way back then! So i am going over tonight to the hospital grounds to make a short video showing what is left of this magnificent building, will keep you all updated.